Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • Why should I consider over other low-code platforms? couples the power and scalability of low-code platforms with the speed of development and the “in-production” flexibility of a no-code platform.

      We manage the infrastructure and platform, IT or a partner builds a core platform and business users can take it from there. Lowering both upfront cost of implementation and longer-term maintenance and enhancement cost.

    • How does compare to no-code leaders?

      Let’s talk Quickbase and Airtable as comparables: both are no code platforms with 10k+ customers. We are more modern, powerful, faster, and our react/SQL stack is more familiar for technology teams to support.

      The platform allows for millions of records and 200 GB. For comparison, Airtable Pro is limited to 50,000 records and 20 GB per base.

      Psst. . . we’re also a fraction of the price as Quickbase.

    • What is a “portal user”?

      A portal user is a defined user role that only originates data into the platform via a single form or a user who only uses the platform for payment purposes.

    • Why should I consider over other no-code platforms?

      Business users love no-code because of the “in-production” flexibility and operational agility they bring.

      IT departments love low-code because of vertical and horizontal scalability and power -- meaning that apps built on can allow for millions of users and billions of records without additional development.

    • How can I be sure that can handle the complexity of our business?

      Think of as the infinitely customizable platform that helps your business scale. If it can be done in code, the platform has the flexibility to handle your business needs.

      Reach out to us so that we can understand your use case. We’ll happily provide a definitive answer – backed by a partner and guaranteed by our own professional services team.

    • How many “portal users” can I add?

      Like users, portal users are limitless – you just need to pay the usage fees. Be aware that portal users will count against API usage at standard rates.

    • How does my company get started on

      Reach out to us so that we can understand your business needs and ensure that your unique business outcomes are met. Our technical team will help you build and launch apps on our platform – build support includes everything you need to get into production.

    • Does have a mobile solution?

      Heck yes. Any modern platform should offer an online/offline capable platform out of the box. Our no-code forms builder has desktop, ipad, and mobile modes. With our low-cost portal user model and scalability – we’re built for this! Need a custom Flutter or React-native app? We have pre-built connectors to make that seamless and quick to deploy.

    • How are API reads counted?

      An API read is any API call sent from a 3rd party system or an internal read from a Portal user that requests information from the database.

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